About ACM Environmental

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Prevention is at the heart of what we do

ACM is a full-service waste and recycling business delivering Zero Waste focussed outcomes, challenging industry norms with a push away from incineration and energy recovery outcomes. Last year, just 0.03% of the waste we managed across the UK went to landfill. We work with commercial businesses to identify inefficiencies and cost savings within their waste streams and develop new and innovative ways to further reduce, reuse and recycle waste.


Making a positive difference

As an organisation we focus on making a positive difference and remain competitive leaders within our specialist field. We have grown organically over the years, initially focussing on the manufacture and supply of waste handling equipment before expanding into the supply of waste logistics and supply chain optimisation.

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ACM is a specialist brand by Reconomy, an international circular economy specialist that combines technology, skills and incredible people to build sustainability ‘Loops’ that create circular opportunities for business. Our vision is a waste-free world where resources are conserved, and economic growth is achieved through sustainable circular means.

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Collection, Treatment, Recycling

Waste Clear® has a primary goal of achieving 100% diversion from landfill and incineration.

It is an integrated solution designed to deliver cost savings, maximise recycling levels and optimise energy efficiency.

See Waste Clear

Apps, Analytics, Client Portal

Waste Track® offers an entirely new way for waste producers to monitor, evaluate, record and control their progress towards ‘Zero Waste’ operations.

This unique Mobile App platform is also available on your Desktop along with detailed analytics.

See Waste Track

Assure, Avert

A flexible e-learning tool designed to promote staff buy-in and engagement. It teaches best practice across all areas of sustainable waste management.

See Waste Smart