
Breaking ground: 6 new innovations and trends in recycling equipment for 2024 in the UK


At ACM, we have been on the hunt for new innovations and trends in recycling equipment for 2024.

In an era where sustainability is at the forefront for many of our customers, the magnitude of reliable and efficient waste management cannot be overstated. As the United Kingdom strives towards ambitious sustainability targets, the waste and recycling sector remains pivotal in that performance, with more focus on new innovations and technological advancements to improve existing processes than ever before.

As we step further into 2024, ACM explored the latest trends and innovations making the biggest noise for recycling equipment – aiming to shape the landscape of waste management in the UK.


1) The introduction of AI

Traditional recycling facilities have always relied on manual sorting of the waste, which is not just heavy on labour, you always run the risk of human-errors when it comes to segregation. As processes move towards improved segregation for increased amounts of waste types, such as the new Welsh Waste Legislation introduced this year, the emergence of smarter sorting technologies has become revolutionary for some recycling facilities. Advanced sensors using artificial intelligence and robotics can now be integrated into waste sorting equipment, meaning we now have more precise segregation of different materials. These systems can not only enhance efficiency, but they will also reduce contamination and increase overall recycling rates in the UK, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable future.

An impressive example of AI being integrated into existing processes arrived early this year from Recycleye and SWEEP, becoming the first successful commercial application of AI computer vision in the sorting of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).

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2) Enhanced shredding capabilities

Shredding is a crucial step in the recycling process, especially for core materials like plastic and metal. This year, ACM has seen a notable trend towards shredders with improved efficiency that can handle a wide range of materials with both precision and speed. These cutting-edge machines is using innovative blade designs, powerful motors, and even intelligent control systems to maintain performance levels whilst minimising energy consumption.

Waste compactors

3) Improved mobility and transportation

With many of our customers having sites with difficult access, flexibility and mobility are becoming key priorities in recycling equipment design. Compact and mobile units of recycling equipment continue to gain popularity, especially when projects are in busy city environments where space is very limited. These versatile machines, such as small range balers up to mill size baler, can be easily transported to sites all across the UK - including back-of-house retail, construction sites and event venues, facilitating on-site recycling initiatives. Whether it's a small, mid range or mill size baler or even a bin press, these pieces of recycling equipment offer improved mobility and accessibility, empowering our customers to adopt more sustainable waste management practices across their sites.

Mill Size Baler

4) A more data-driven approach 

Data plays a crucial role for our customers when it comes to improving traditional recycling processes and improving their resource allocation. In 2024, more pieces of recycling equipment are now being equipped with integrated capabilities for improved data analytics. Sensors and remote telemetry are being built into pieces of machinery to collect real-time data on material being inserted, operational performance, and even recycling rates to detect contamination. This information can then be analysed to identify any inefficiencies on site, allowing us to help our customers enhance decision-making and identify training opportunities. By introducing a more data-driven approach to your waste management, our customers can achieve greater transparency in their waste and improve overall efficiency.

5) A focus on material recovery

With more UK businesses becoming driven by sustainability, ACM has noticed that there's a growing demand for recycling equipment that prioritises sustainability throughout its hire. As a result, manufacturers are now incorporating more sustainable materials and energy-efficient components into the initial design stage of their recycling equipment. In addition to this, there has been a shift in focus on developing more closed-loop systems that both minimise waste being generated and increase the recovery of valuable resources.

6) Collaborative Initiatives and Partnerships:

Collaboration is a key part of driving innovation and scaling impactful solutions in the waste management field. In 2024, ACM is witnessing an increase in collaboration and partnerships between larger organisations, manufacturers, and waste management companies. These partnerships help us share expert knowledge and resources to accelerate the adoption of new technologies and best practices for waste management.

We are proud to share our latest example of the work ACM has done with our friends over at Chester Zoo, where we are helping the Zoo work towards a zero-waste operation by 2030. Read all about this existing partnership here.

Chester Zoo Partnership

Moving forward…

To summarise, recycling equipment in the UK continues to evolve at a rapid pace, led by more innovation being introduced by manufacturers to help UK businesses improve sustainability and collaboration. From introducing more AI-driven processes to enhanced material recovery, the waste and resource management industry is embracing transformative technologies that can revolutionise existing practices. As we navigate the challenges of climate change, these advancements can serve as beacons of hope for both us and our customers, guiding us towards a more circular economy.